Thank You Stardust

As a very small "helper" in getting this web site where it is today, I decided that the brains and ambition behind this entire site deserves some thanks of her own. I know I speak for a great many people when I say

"Thank You StarDust... just for being you!!"

I know everyone appreciates everything you have done, and appreciates that you are the person that you are. Below is a poem written for you, and I hope it expresses at least a small portion of the gratitude, respect and admiration we have for you.
We love you Dusty!!!!

You Can't Hide

You just can't hide how,
Many people feel your love,
Or can you hide the fact,
You're a gift from God above.

Unless you're satisfied,
Doing what you feel is right,
Rarely do you rest,
Until you've won the fight.

Caring so much more for others,
Selfish, not at all,
Heart as big as Texas,
That could never be called small.

Always helping and assisting,
But not for one's defeat,
Rarely do you let grass grow,
Underneath your feet.

Me.....obviously not a poet,
Nor one that really sings,
Endure this feeble attempt please,
Note what this message brings,
Realize that we all know,
You're an angel without wings.

In addition to this poem, Stardust has received an Award of her own for this site.